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Dr. Shen’s Jade Shield


Also known as: YU PING FENG

Used to boost immune system and defend against disease. A potent version of the classic Jade Windscreen Formula.

Dr. Shen’s Jade Shield vs. Jade Windscreen

The traditional formula, Jade Windscreen (YU PING FENG WAN), has been augmented with the addition of Ligustrum lucidum (privit fruit / NU ZHEN ZI) and Cinammomi ramulus (cinnamon twig / GUI ZHI).  We believe that Ligustrum expands the immune supporting property of the astragalus in the formula, while at the same time reducing the drying properties of both the atractylodes (BAI ZHU) and the ledebouriella (FANG FENG). Replacing some of these two with cinnamon twig (GUI ZHI) also tends to reduces dryness. These changes make the formula more suitable for long-term use, especially for those with Blood Deficiency, YIN Deficiency, or dry constitutions. 

When to use Dr. Shen’s Jade Shield

  • Build Defensive Energy (WEI QI)
  • Consolidate the Surface
  • Augment the Qi
  • Protect Against External Evils, Including Germs And Pollen


3 tablets, every three or four hours; or as prescribed by your healthcare provider.   


This formula is designed to be used when you are well. Do Not Take while ill with Wind-Cold, Wind-Heat, or other acute respiratory conditions. Pregnant or nursing women should consult their healthcare provider before taking any supplement.  Traditional Chinese Medicine is powerful and reliable, but it can be complex. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment aren’t recommended for chronic, recurring, or serious illness. 

Quality Guarantee

At Dr. Shen’s, we use the finest grades of herbs. We import all of our herbs whole, rather than as powders, so we can inspect them for authenticity and quality. We screen for mold, metals, and microorganisms. We test tablets for dissolvability and coat them for easy swallowing. Our excipients are minimal, always natural, and always vegetarian. All ingredients are listed on compliant labels.


Atractylodes Rhizome (Atractylodis Rhizoma) Bai Zhu
Stabilizes Exterior, Benefits Qi, Tonifies Spleen, Dries Dampness

Siler Root (Ledebouriellae Radix) Fang Feng
Releases Exterior, Expels Wind Cold, Expels Wind Damp

Astragulus Root (Astragali Radix) Huang Qi
Benefits Qi, Lifts Yang, Strengthens Spleen, Tonifies We Qi

Privet Fruit (Ligustri Lucidi Fructus) Nu Zhen Zi
Nourishes Liver and Kidney Yin, Strengthens Jing

Cinnamon Twig (Cinnamomi Ramulus) Gui Zhi 
Adjusts Protective Qi, Warms Channels, Disperses Cold, Moves and Strengthens Yang, Transforms Qi